jueves, 8 de junio de 2017


Imagen relacionadaThis Project was about the consequences and effects in the morphology of the sperm with the use of cell phones.
Collections of semen samples (35) where it wasa physicaland microscopic examination is conducted for the assessment of mobility, motility and sperm elements.
There is no expected results since all were found within the reference values.


The relationship between constant use between mobile phones and male infetility is one: radiation affects the morphological characteristics of the affected spermatozoa characteristics for fertilization of the ovule. The most radio-sensitive part of the male reproductive system is the testicle and within it, the spermatogonia, since they fulfill the requeriments expressed in the Basic Law of celular radiosensitivity. The effects of radiation on the organism can be classified into genetic and somatic effects. 
Resultado de imagen para espermatozoides  efectos geneticos

viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017

Imagen relacionada
Mark Zuckerberg, the American computer programmer, who was born in New York in 1984, was one of the founders of Facebook.
Resultado de imagen para mark zuckerberg harvard
In his teens he began to write software programs as a hobby. After school he went to Harvard, where he studied computer science and sociology. While he was there he created a webside called Facemash, wich allowed students to share photos. It was shut down by the university, but it inspired him to create Facebook, wich he launced Facebook form his room in 2004.

He left Harvard and moved to California witch Dustin Moslovitz, who had been his rommate and together they made Facebook and international success. 

In 2012 Zuckerberg married Priscila Chan who he had dated nine years. 
Imagen relacionada
Resultado de imagen para mark zuckerberg y su esposa

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

Resultado de imagen para set up
Resultado de imagen para WARM UP
Resultado de imagen para PLUG IN
Resultado de imagen para EAT OUT

Resultado de imagen para CUT OUT
Resultado de imagen para PAY BACK
Resultado de imagen para RECOJER
Resultado de imagen para EXPULSAR

Resultado de imagen para romper algo

Imagen relacionada


Resultado de imagen para criar animales

Resultado de imagen para EJERCICIO EN GYM
Resultado de imagen para SACAR
Imagen relacionada
Resultado de imagen para ENOJARSE CON ALGUIEN
Resultado de imagen para ESPERAR UN BEBE

Resultado de imagen para ACABARSE
Resultado de imagen para CUIDAD0
Resultado de imagen para SUBIR EL VOLUMEN

Practice 11

Word search... 

viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

There is a girl who is very beautiful. Her name is Jana. Jana smells like a flower because she bathes every day.
She also smiles a lot because she has a lot of admirers.
There is another girls whose name is Amy. Amy doesn’t smile, because no one admires her.
The problem is that Amy stinks and all of the kids run away from her. Amy approaches Jana and explains the problem to her.
Jana knows how to take care of the problem but is embarrassed to explain it to Amy.
Amy never stops talking about her bad luck with boys, and everyday she dreams about being popular like Jana.
Amy decides to do everything that Jana does in order to be successful with boys. One day Jana curls her hair in a crazy way.
Amy tries to do the same. Another day, Jana dresses like a cowboy; Amy dresses the same. And another day, Jana wears French perfume and Italian makeup.
And of course, Amy does the same.
But Amy isn’t successful with boys because she still stinks.
She complains to Jana. Everyday she talks to Jana about her problems. Finally, Jana tells her: “Take a bath twice a day.”
Amy takes the advice of her friend and within three days, she has many admirers who want to take her out on a date./ Amy can’t decide the person to go out with all of them and they have a great time.
But since Amy is out with all the boys, there is nobody anymore to take Jana out. 

viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017

Practice 7

Antony Perez
Pizzerias Perez

                                                                                                                  March 17 th 2017

Dear Mr  Perez,

This morning I ordered a 2 Hawaian pizzas and the repartier gave me one pizza and the pizza was peperoni, the problem is I payed by electronic money and he was rude with me when I showed the ticket he throw me the pizza, I think I was polite with him. I called to pizzeria and they were ruder than him and I want an apology. I have not had this kind of service the last time all pizzeria were very polite I prefer talk about this in person. 

I look forward to you reply and a resolution to my prblem.

Resultado de imagen para firmas sanchez

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017

                                                                                                                Friday, February 17, 2017
Resultado de imagen para acuario signos zodiacal


Topic: School
If you study, you will pass all the test of the week!

Plataformas para publicar blogs

Topic: love
If you look in your closet, you will find a souvenir from your childhood!  

Resultado de imagen para Aries signos zodiacal
Resultado de imagen para Aries signos zodiacal

Topic: love
If you go dancing, you will meet the love of your life!


Topic: healt
If you don't go to gym, you won't lose 2 kilograms!

Resultado de imagen para Geminis  signos zodiacal


Topic: School and love
If you read carefully, you will notice that you know the answers!
Imagen relacionada


Topic: School
If you don't check your mails, you won't get an important message!

Resultado de imagen para virgo signos zodiacal      
   Virgo                                                                                                  Topic: money
 You will get money if you help your mum at home.

Resultado de imagen para libra signos zodiacal
Topic: love
You will recive flowers if you wear something red.

Resultado de imagen para Escorpio signos zodiacal

Topic: money
You will win the lottery if you buy four tickets!

Resultado de imagen para Sagitario signos zodiacal

Topic: health
You will make an excellent deal if you don't lie. 
Resultado de imagen para Cancer signos zodiacal

Topic: health
You will be unlucky if you see a black cat on Saturday. 

Resultado de imagen para capricornio signos zodiacal     Topic: love
    You will get a discount if you show your real attitude!

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2017

Practice 1

                                                                                     Friday February 3૦, 2017

Exercise 1.

Crossword  Score: 80%
Wordsearch Sccore: 17 out of 18. 

New words:
- Plot
- Sequel

Exercise 2. PASSIVE VOICE. 

Object + be + verb past participle + complement.

Exercise 3. 

Excercise of passive voice Score: 80%Put in orden Score: 5 / 7

Exercise 5.  Mi favourite film. 

Preparation Score: 6 out of 6.

Matching Score: 5 out of 5.
Gap fill Score: 7 out of 9.


This blog is for entertain when be bored.