viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017

                                                                                                                Friday, February 17, 2017
Resultado de imagen para acuario signos zodiacal


Topic: School
If you study, you will pass all the test of the week!

Plataformas para publicar blogs

Topic: love
If you look in your closet, you will find a souvenir from your childhood!  

Resultado de imagen para Aries signos zodiacal
Resultado de imagen para Aries signos zodiacal

Topic: love
If you go dancing, you will meet the love of your life!


Topic: healt
If you don't go to gym, you won't lose 2 kilograms!

Resultado de imagen para Geminis  signos zodiacal


Topic: School and love
If you read carefully, you will notice that you know the answers!
Imagen relacionada


Topic: School
If you don't check your mails, you won't get an important message!

Resultado de imagen para virgo signos zodiacal      
   Virgo                                                                                                  Topic: money
 You will get money if you help your mum at home.

Resultado de imagen para libra signos zodiacal
Topic: love
You will recive flowers if you wear something red.

Resultado de imagen para Escorpio signos zodiacal

Topic: money
You will win the lottery if you buy four tickets!

Resultado de imagen para Sagitario signos zodiacal

Topic: health
You will make an excellent deal if you don't lie. 
Resultado de imagen para Cancer signos zodiacal

Topic: health
You will be unlucky if you see a black cat on Saturday. 

Resultado de imagen para capricornio signos zodiacal     Topic: love
    You will get a discount if you show your real attitude!

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2017

Practice 1

                                                                                     Friday February 3૦, 2017

Exercise 1.

Crossword  Score: 80%
Wordsearch Sccore: 17 out of 18. 

New words:
- Plot
- Sequel

Exercise 2. PASSIVE VOICE. 

Object + be + verb past participle + complement.

Exercise 3. 

Excercise of passive voice Score: 80%Put in orden Score: 5 / 7

Exercise 5.  Mi favourite film. 

Preparation Score: 6 out of 6.

Matching Score: 5 out of 5.
Gap fill Score: 7 out of 9.


This blog is for entertain when be bored.