jueves, 8 de junio de 2017


Imagen relacionadaThis Project was about the consequences and effects in the morphology of the sperm with the use of cell phones.
Collections of semen samples (35) where it wasa physicaland microscopic examination is conducted for the assessment of mobility, motility and sperm elements.
There is no expected results since all were found within the reference values.


The relationship between constant use between mobile phones and male infetility is one: radiation affects the morphological characteristics of the affected spermatozoa characteristics for fertilization of the ovule. The most radio-sensitive part of the male reproductive system is the testicle and within it, the spermatogonia, since they fulfill the requeriments expressed in the Basic Law of celular radiosensitivity. The effects of radiation on the organism can be classified into genetic and somatic effects. 
Resultado de imagen para espermatozoides  efectos geneticos